Sunday, April 29, 2012

A tough week

     And it has been a tough week. I've had my migraine for several days and my arm has been hurting. 
     One thing is that I've gotten myself into trouble with my 15-year-old nephew. It seems he wants me to be friends with him on Facebook, but doesn't want me to post anything, or at least he doesn't want me to question anything he posts. Why would anyone want to be friends on a PUBLIC SOCIAL network and not make comments or ask questions? I thought a social environment was just that: for people who wanted to communicate with each other. Well, I guess I was wrong. So, I unfriended him. And that upset him even more. Oh, well. I'm told that teenagers today speak and behave differently than anyone else and that it's normal. I don't know how they expect anyone else to understand them, and there are plenty of other folks in the world around them. Enough of that!
     I inherited 2 new "niece-dogs". My girlfriend wants me to be around to take care of her dogs in the event that something happens to her and she is not able to care for them, temporarily. So, I got to meet Sophie and Baby. Sophie is a long-haired patch dachshund, and Baby is a chihuahua who has been hit by a car and has special needs. Baby is also about 15 years old. I'll have to photograph them next week and put them on here. They come over and play in my back yard and I visit them at their home. It's nice. Sophie is a puppy and is still learning a lot. But my friend is going to be fine, and this need will not come up!
     I'm helping another girlfriend with a couple of her books. She has a big problem with one, and, hopefully, someone has found a way for her to resolve it.
    Another girlfriend, a writer, has had roadblocks thrown into her writing path, also. It seems for us women, our writing often takes a backseat to other things considered more important. And, usually, if we are not well, that's pretty important. Illness gets in the way of creativity pretty severely. But, she's back on track now. So, I am hoping we both are going to have a great year this year, 2012.

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