Wednesday, July 25, 2012

about family traits...

As he gets older, my husband, Paul, gets curlier and curlier. True, he has less hair on top, but the hair on the bottom gets curlier, even when it doesn't need to be cut. I was thinking of that the other day, and took a couple photos of his curls. That, of course, made me think of our baby grandson, Joshua. When he was very young, his hair had not been cut, and many folks called him "Rastaman". Of course, he was very blonde, but, oh well. Now that he's much older, and a teenager, his hair is mostly straight and very dark. But I have a photo of him with his blonde, curly hair that is one of my favorite photos of him. Of course, I have to share it and compare the two heads of hair. Paul's was a little darker when he was younger, but now it's grayer. It's still a family trait. There are many other family traits that are passed down. There is a saying, "The fruit doesn't fall far from the tree." I see that quite often in myself as I find myself doing things my father or mother did. I see it in my husband's behaviors that are like his father's. I hope some of our good behaviors have passed down to our sons. Some of their traits cause me to believe the hospital sent the wrong babies home with us. I see some of their traits in my grandchildren. I also see some of our traits in our grandchildren. Genetic traits are passed down, too. So how many of the personality traits are passed down through genetics or are they passed down through observation? There are certain traits in our family that I hope are NEVER repeated by ANYONE. Lord, help us to only pass along our good traits.

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